Coded vertical column titles in grid but need horizontal titles in Add form

QuestionsCoded vertical column titles in grid but need horizontal titles in Add form
Steven Borruso asked 6 years ago

When defining columns (about 25) for a grid I managed to flip the column titles to be vertical by wrapping theĀ $col[“title”] value in a <p> tag with a css class that flips the text to vertical. This displays as I want in the grid.

Problem is that I need the titles to display horizontally (as normal) on the Add form.

Here’s an example of one of the column definitions –

$col = array(); $col[“name”]=”clean_fridge_freezer”; $col[“title”]=”$virt_txt_style Clean Fridge Freezer</p>”; $col=build_rest_of_parms($col); $cols[]=$col;

$virt_txt_style='<p class=”rotate”>’; (this adds the css class that flips the text)

I’ve read up on the grid event handlers that can be used (beforeShowForm, etc.) but still not sure oft how to have the titles display horizontally in the Add form.

Any help is most appreciated.



2 Answers
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 6 years ago

When defining css class ‘rotate’ use prefix class of:

.ui-jqgrid-labels .rotate { … }

This way it will only effect on listing and not forms.

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
Steve Borruso answered 6 years ago

Thanks Abu …. been banging my head against this for awhile … your suggested fix worked like a charm … as usual !!

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