I wanted to create a column containing a hyperlink based on the row ID. I used the following code which works fine,
$col = array();
$col["title"] = "Action";
$col["name"] = "id";
$col["link"] = "clientreg.php?id={id}";
$col["linkoptions"] = "target='_self'";
$col["width"] = 25;
$col["editable"] = false;
$col["search"] = false;
$cols[] = $col;
This displays the ID value as a hyperlink, but I actually want to display some static text as a hyperlink such as "Edit Client"
I added the following to the col list :-
$col["default"] = "Edit Client";
however the column still just shows the ID as a hyperlink.
I'm stuck on why
Many thanks
Apologies Abu
I just read this limitation in another support ticket.
I'm currently testing phpgrid for implementation in a client project, if it does what I need I'll be getting the appropriate license.
and so far so good! 🙂
One final question,
Is the 'ondblClickRow' event also disabled in the free version ?
Before using the hyperlink method to link to a page I tried adding some doubleclick JS as described here :-
but when the row was double clicked the script didn't fire.