
Steven Quek asked 2 years ago



I have a column is a product SKU, i need change the replace the SKU value with a product description and if there any image will show a image


How can i achieve ?


Best regards

2 Answers
Mike answered 2 years ago

I would check-out the Demos under Appearance and Image – is that what you’re looking to do?

If-not, there may be some other ideas. A few of the demos have icons/photos in them.

Live Demo




Abu Ghufran Staff answered 2 years ago

You can use conditional data callback function. You can have row data in $data array and use conditions to show desired data in certain column.


$col["on_data_display"] = array("display_keyword","");

function display_keyword($data)
	$kw = $data["keyword_name"];
	$numKeywords = count(explode("\n",$pass));
	if ($numKeywords > 3)
			return $numKeywords." Keywords";
			$pass = str_replace("+"," ",$pass);
			return $pass;

PS: Apologies for the late reply, Ticket somehow get delayed.

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
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