column heading mouseover text

Questionscolumn heading mouseover text
Matthew asked 9 years ago


Just wondering if it's possible to set the hover/mouseover for column headings. My intent is that when the user hovers over the column title they will see a help box that describes what's in the column.

Something like:

$col["title"] = "result";
$col["titlehover"] = "result = var1 * var2 / 3";
$col["name"] = "result";


1 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago

This can be done with some tooltip plugin and bind header cell manually on loadComplete event of grid.

$opt["loadComplete"] = "function(ids) { ……………………. }";

TH Selector for grid 'list1' and column 'gender' would be:

Refer faq: How to use 'qtip2' with PHPGrid.

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