Column Options – One column as a drop down select

QuestionsColumn Options – One column as a drop down select
Mike asked 10 years ago

Hello, I am brand new to PHP Grid, and I am trying to make it so one single column in my database table is a dropdown menu. However, when I put in the $col and the $g->set_columns I get 'Please specify tablename or select command'. If I take the set_columns out, it works find and all of my $grid options work fine but none of the $col options. I also do not know where to put the $col options. I have 9 total columns including the ID, but I just want one to be a drop down menu. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

3 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

You must set:

$g->table = "blah";

before using set_columns.

I would recommend to make changes in similar readymade demos, and then modify the grid by checking docs/faqs.r

Mike answered 10 years ago

OK, the $g->table worked to show the table again, however I still have no dropdown. Where exactly do I put the $col[] options?

Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

I am emailing you demo files.
It's part of full package, demos/appearance/dropdown.php

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