Compare PHPGrid with JQGrid

QuestionsCompare PHPGrid with JQGrid
Sivakumar asked 12 years ago

Iam using JQGrid(Free) in PHP for past one month and its very good, but the docs for the PHP programmers is not good.But recently i saw the phpGrid and find it very good but not yet tested.My Question is phpGird is superior or inferior when compared with JQGrid.One main point is that phpGrid costs only $50.Is all the features of JQGrid available in phpGrid.Please guide me.

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago


The JQGrid is a javascript opensource implementation by tony tomov ( PHP Grid Control ( is wrapper of that JS to php, that enables quick integration of that control., actual author also provide PHP wrapper of it, but it cost much higher.

So, i as a developer decided to write it again and release it for other want-free developers. $50 is some motivational value for it's future development and commercializing it for big projects. According to features, almost everything is doable as base JS control is same. All you have to do is to understand php code and write wrapper of available js api.

Hope you understand the science now.

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