Compare two columns with search

QuestionsCompare two columns with search
Mike Sheppard asked 9 years ago

I have reviewed the demos and read-through the help – but I can't really find a direct answer.

How can I search based on one-column (say Qty On Hand) versus another column (say Qty on Order)?

I would like to search:

Qty_on_Hand (Column 1) is greater than Qty_on_Order (Column 2)?

Or simply COLUMN1 > COLUMN2

Thanks for any assistance.


4 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago


This is currently not supported.

I guess using 3rd column (boolean type) that will hold the comparison result is alternate option.
One can perform search on that 3rd column for 1/0.

Mike Sheppard answered 9 years ago

Does anyone have any feedback on this? I am finding a number of reports now that need to be able to create a filter if a value in Column 1 is > or = to a Value in Column 2.

Hopefully someone has some guidance (other than creating another column in SQL to do the comparison – as that doesn't always solve the issue).



Mike Sheppard answered 9 years ago

For anyone else with this same issue – I solved the problem by including a form above the PHP Grid output with check-boxes.

Each check-box was a complex where-clause that I added as a $_GET variable to the top of the PHPGrid page.

When checked – it applies the variable as a WHERE clause on the SQL which limits the results to search-by. It will work for our needs very well.



Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago

Thanks for sharing

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