Compatibility with ie8

QuestionsCompatibility with ie8
kriti asked 11 years ago

I wana know are these features of JQ Grid compatible with ie8? and if not then till what extend!


5 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago


We've tested it on IE8 and it's compatible.
If you are facing any issue, let us know.

Martin Gossmann answered 10 years ago

Hi Abu,

I just tested the grid with IE8 (both default and compatibility mode). The grid is not displayed. The debugger throws an "Object doesn't support this property or method" error at this command:

var grid_maiw1 = jQuery("#maiw1").jqGrid( jQuery.extend({"datatype":"json","rowNum":26,"width":"990","height":"600","rowList":[10,20,30,"All"],"viewrecords":true,"multiSort":false,"scrollrows":true,"toppager":false,"prmNames":{"page":"jqgrid_page"},"sortname":"id","sortorder":"desc","form":{"nav":false},"url":"","editurl":"","cellurl":"","scroll":0,"sortable":true,"cellEdit":false,"export":{"paper":"a4","orientation":"landscape"},"add_options":{"recreateForm":true,"closeAfterAdd":true,"closeOnEscape":true,"errorTextFormat":function(r){ return r.responseText;},"jqModal":true,"beforeShowForm":function(formid) { setTimeout(function(){jQuery("#pData").hide();jQuery("#nData").hide();},100);

Any idea how to deal with that?


Martin Gossmann answered 10 years ago

I missed to provide the link to two web pages as example.

Martin Gossmann answered 10 years ago

Not sure if this is the reason:

"jQuery 2.x has removed IE8 support, use instead lastest 1.x stable version of jQuery; 1.10.2"

If this is true – can that other library be used or does phpGrid need the newer version?

And would it be possible to load the new lib for IE > 8 and the older one only for <= IE8?

Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

I am only getting this issue when in compatibility mode. Working fine on default mode.

Refer these links to force IE in default mode.



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