Conditional edit/delete

QuestionsConditional edit/delete
David asked 10 years ago

Hi everybody,

i would like to know if there is a possibility to disable inline editing,edit,delete action on conditional value ?

ex: i have a table with invoice , when invoice is already send, field "sended" is put at true.

condition would be if "sended"== true no possibility for edit/delete. to prevent changing a record which can not be changed.


7 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

Please refer demos/editing/column-access.php
This demo disables editing when gender = male.
You can alter it accordingly.

David answered 10 years ago

Thanks Abu ,

I missed that part of the demo folder , that's exactly what I was looking.


Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

Emailed you the demo code.

Javier Lopez answered 10 years ago

Hello Abu.
I same the same question… my versiĆ³n of PHPgrid is the 1.4.8 (not free)

Can I use this function with this version?… can you send me the sample?


Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

Update emailed. Please contact [email protected] for package update,

Andrei answered 5 months ago

Can we conditionally set $col["editable"] to true or false based on the values of other columns?

Abu answered 5 months ago

You can set this column as readonly based on condition.
Line 66: set callback function
Line 231-238: callback function that will make gender field readonly when have certain clientids.

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