Hi Abu, trying to get the conditional format on your demo to highlight the date cell when a date is in the past but, is it possible?
// If date is < than today, highlight row with red
$f = array();
$f["column"] = "invdate_calc";
$f["op"] = ">";
$f["value"] = "curdate()";
$f["class"] = "focus-row";
$f_conditions[] = $f;
Thank you
1 Answers
I believe you have already set:
$g->select_command = "SELECT i.id, 10 as jid, invdate, date_format(invdate,'%Y%m%d') as invdate_calc …. "
This means it will have 20140523 date notation.
So, to highlight you can set the $f["value"] via php date function.
$f["value"] = date("Ymd");
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