Conditional Formatting – columns starting with a number don't work

QuestionsConditional Formatting – columns starting with a number don't work
Matthew asked 9 years ago


I've been using the conditional formatting to set the css for individual columns which works well. I've just hit a hurdle which I've narrowed down to field names starting with a number. The following code works:

$f = array();
$f["column"] = "time50";
$f["css"] = "'border-right-width':'2px','border-right-color':'black'";
$f_conditions[] = $f;

But if I use "50time" instead then it displays a blank grid. The workaround I've been using is in the SQL statement:

$g->select_command = "SELECT 50time as time50 FROM table";

Can anyone else confirm this is happening for them as well?

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago

Yes, thats correct.

It maps column names on JS variables and this is limitation of Javascript variables convention.

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