Conditional formatting with multipble grids on one page

QuestionsConditional formatting with multipble grids on one page
Jeroen V asked 12 years ago

Hello again,
I've got an bug/problem report
If you have 3 grids on one page and you want to use conditional formatting
in each of them, you've got strange results.

The conditional format for the main grid works fine
The conditional format for the 2 sub grids with the details are done on
the FIRST line from the maingrid and not from the subgrids.

The grids have a different name, also the arrays with the settings for the conditional formats are different.

Did you noticed already this problem?

I've send you already some screenshots, code and the database.

3 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago

Fix and working example emailed to you.

Thanks for reporting.

Aziz answered 12 years ago

We have the same probleme
Can you help us please

Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago

Hello Aziz, i've sent your working demo.
Check your email.


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