Conditional Image with a Link

QuestionsConditional Image with a Link
Gerd asked 8 years ago

Hallo Abu,

i want to show in a column(Values 0/1) an image with an link on click. The Image should only appear, when the value of the grid-cell ist "1".

What have i to do?


1 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 8 years ago

You can refer demos/appearance/conditional-data.php

$img = "<a target='_blank' href='{id}' style='text-decoration:none; white-space:none; border:1px solid gray; padding:2px; position:relative; width:25px; color:red'><img src='{path_src}'></a>";

# use single quote for condition, and $row will have all columns data, to use in condition (can also use {total} or {amount})
$col["condition"] = array('$row["total"] == 1', '', $img);
$cols[] = $col;

You can also check on_data_display event in docs > conditional content (

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