Conditional required field

QuestionsConditional required field
Stephen Hartigan asked 10 years ago


I have a notes field which is only required if my Status field = 'Reject' is it possible to set a field to required based on the value in another field?

Thanks for your help.

7 Answers
Stephen Hartigan answered 10 years ago

Please ignore the above I have figured it out from the example: js-validation-form


Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

Please check this code and recheck.

kim answered 10 years ago

could you please give example of this?
i tried using the js-validation-form example but still stuck.
any help would be greatly appreciated
thank you.

2 fields contract_Worth and contract_ApprovedDate

condition would be placed within this field:
$col = array();
$col["title"] = "APPROVED";
$col["name"] = "contract_ApprovedDate";
$col["editable"] = true;
$col["editrules"] = array("required" => false, "date"=>true);
$col["condition"] = array('$row["contract_Worth"] > 10', "required" => true, "required" => false);
$cols[] = $col;

kim answered 10 years ago

cannot access this site.
any other source to solve my dilema?

Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

$grid["edit_options"]["beforeSubmit"] = "function(post,form){ return validate_form_once(post,form); }";
$grid["add_options"]["beforeSubmit"] = "function(post,form){ return validate_form_once(post,form); }";

And in HTML script tag:

function validate_form_once(post,form)
var str=[];

if (post.contract_Worth > 10)
str[str.length] = "- Contract Approve Date is required";

str = str.join("<br>");

if (str.length == 0)
return [true,""];
return [false,"Check following errors:<br>"+str];

kim answered 10 years ago

error message box appearce fine, but CANNOT SUBMIT after entering value into APPROVE field?

added above code AND
$col = array();
$col["title"] = "APPROVED";
$col["name"] = "contract_ApprovedDate";
$col["editable"] = true;
$col["editrules"] = array("required" => false, "date"=>true);
$col["condition"] = array('$row["contract_Worth"] > 10', "required" => true, "required" => false);
$cols[] = $col;

$col = array();
$col["title"] = "APPROVED";
$col["name"] = "contract_ApprovedDate";
$col["editable"] = true;
//$col["editrules"] = array("required" => false, "date"=>true);
//$col["condition"] = array('$row["contract_Worth"] > 10', "required" => true, "required" => false);
$cols[] = $col;

also tried commenting out editrules and condition
please help!!!!!

Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

I guess there is some misunderstanding.
Please email me full code for review and explain what exactly you want to achieve.

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