Conditional Row Format on cell

QuestionsConditional Row Format on cell
Greg asked 10 years ago


Looking at the examples in the demos to implement conditional formatting, I have implemented the below.

$f = array();
$f["column"] = "Person"; // exact column name, as defined above in set_columns or sql field name
$f["op"] = "cn"; // cn – contains, eq – equals
$f["class"] = "myAltRowClass";

I am understanding cn (contains) to mean when data is present trigger the class, else do not. However in my case, it seems to be showing regardless.

Also is there a way to and the conditions? I.e., this field + this field show formatting.

As a side note – great control, this is saving me a ton of time in implementation – great job.

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

Following code sample uses JS based multiple conditions for formatting. You can use ( val == "" ) check for blank cell data formatting.

Code sample:

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