I’ve set some conditions to turn the background of a cell a particular color based on its contents.
$f = array(); $f["column"] = $f["op"] = "eq"; $f["value"] = "REJECTED"; $f["cellcss"] = "'background-color':'#Fc3939'"; $fMS_conditions[] = $f; $f = array(); $f["column"] = "msStatus"; $f["op"] = "eq"; $f["value"] = "APPROVED"; $f["cellcss"] = "'background-color':'#6CF569'"; $fMS_conditions[] = $f; $g->set_conditional_css($fMS_conditions);
This works perfectly. However, I have my grid set up for cell editing…
$grid["cellEdit"] = true; $grid["reloadedit"] = true;
After changing the value of a cell, the conditional css isn’t reflected. (Meaning the cell background color stays the same.)
I tried this with row editing as well with the same results.
It seems that those conditions should be honored whenever
the value of a cell changes. How can I get that to work?
2 Answers
I’ll be updating back after generating this case.
Just to log result, it’s solved by custom JS work around.
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