Conditionally generate add dialog

QuestionsConditionally generate add dialog
Jeremy asked 8 years ago

So far this grid has been easy to use and very powerful.

I have a relational db setup, so for example, contacts and organizations. The contact table has an organization_id field and I was able to very easily make that show as a combo-box displaying the field.

But now I want to go a step further. I have set the first entry for organization, id=0 and name = "Create New". So if the user selects this "fake" organization, I want to immediately generate an Add dialog so they can type in the fields for the new organization. Once they "save" on that dialog, the newly generated (auto-incremented by db) organization_id should be saved to that contact row.

I've been looking thru all of the conditional examples and I'm not really seeing a way to use the built-in functionality to achieve this – at least not without a whole lot of complexity with js and lots of back/forth callbacks. But I figured I would check to see if there was some relatively straight-forward way to do this before I started going in to expand the source of the dbgrid itself to implement this.


4 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 8 years ago

No perfect pre-built solution yet.

I am working on a demo for you that will need minimal work.

On +, it will open a fancy box (iframe page) and on close fancybox it will reload the entries.

Jeremy answered 8 years ago

Oh – Excellent.

*Definitely* getting my money's worth out of this product. Looking forward to the demo. I might actually be on schedule for this project 🙂

Thank you!

Jeremy answered 8 years ago

Hello –

Just checking to see if there's updates to the demo. Thanks!

Abu Ghufran Staff answered 5 years ago

Just to log a missing update, solution to this query is provided in following ticket:

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
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