Configuration for use with MAMP

QuestionsConfiguration for use with MAMP
Michael Bawden asked 11 years ago

Hello, I am struggling to get the demos to work. Although I've changed the localhost to localhost:8889 and added the correct password and the database griddemo has been created and filled with data when I run the demo index.php I always get "Couldn't excecute query. No database selected " and then a select statement. When I look at the code the $conn seems to be correct and the mysql select db is griddemo. What am I doing wrong?

5 Answers
Chao Shun Jenq answered 11 years ago


maybe you can check the firewall first for port 8889.


Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago

Check using a testing php file, if DB connection is successful or not.

This link will help in testing code: http:/

Also let me know which php version are you using.

Michael Bawden answered 11 years ago

Hello Abu, I'm using version 5.3.5 of php and I can connect to all my databases and php code I've written over the years just fine. I haven't looked to see if there is a way to test for a failed connection in your framework yet but I will sometime this week.


Michael Bawden answered 11 years ago

When I put in my sql username and password do I only do it in the index.php file in the demo folder or is there another file I need to change?

Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago

Each demo have separate connection setting above the code.

for e.g.

Both have seperate connection on top.

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