Conversion of field value in grid

QuestionsConversion of field value in grid
Jonathan asked 1 year ago


I am converting a field value for display in a grid (converting from lbs to kg with a small function) in the grid set events/filter display section  e.g.:

function filter_display($data);
foreach($data[“params”] as &$d)
// for each row, convert the retrieved amounts from LBS to KG
$d[“BlockFuel”]= convertlbstokg($d[“BlockFuel”]);
$d[“Cargo”]= convertlbstokg($d[“Cargo”]);
etc etc.

The grid is set to be editable, so whenever I edit a row value it saves the fuel and cargo values back as kg (i.e. the converted value) when it should be in lbs. I can write a function to convert the values back to lbs but where in the code flow can I do this? I can’t see where it updates the tables with edited grid values.

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 1 year ago


This code can be added in on_update event handler. And call similar conversion before it is inserted in database.


If the 3rd argument is true, the function will behave as a data filter and the final update will be done by grid code.

$e["on_update"] = array("update_client", null, true);
function update_client(&$data)
    // set current date time internally
    $data["params"]["BlockFuel"] = convertkgtolbs($data["params"]["BlockFuel"]);
Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
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