
David Mills asked 10 years ago

I am almost done my app but need help.

I bought the full version in May and love it!

In my DB, I have a column set as a VARCHR but it holds a number (Amount).

I have the grid to look like Excel. My app adds 50 blank rows (so it looks almost exactly like excel) so the app will only use the update event.

The question is, can I make the grid alter to ingo the user enters?
eg. if they enter an amount of '12' can I change it to '12.00'

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

For grid display, set formatter.

$col["formatter"] = "number";
$col["formatoptions"] = array("thousandsSeparator" => ",",
"decimalSeparator" => ".",
"decimalPlaces" => 2);

For db storage, you can bind on_update event and round it to 2 decimals using php before update query.

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