correct row not being select when mysql_select_db() is passed a db View

Questionscorrect row not being select when mysql_select_db() is passed a db View
Rick Gordon asked 12 years ago

I've been testing out the php grid and noticed that if I pass in a db view into the mysql_select_db() function instead of just a table, then click on any row then the top row is always selected, not the row I clicked.
If I pass in just a table into the function then all works fine. Any ideas?

2 Answers
Rick Gordon answered 12 years ago

Whoops, I meant the table variable not the mysql_select_db(). Meaning if you passed in a db view into the $g->table variable then I get this issue.

Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago

Hello Rick,

Make sure the first column you are selecting in table or view is unique(PK).
Most likely, it is not getting some unique id to recognize selection.


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