Ctrl+C Copy Text in View Dialog Issue

QuestionsCtrl+C Copy Text in View Dialog Issue
Richard Samson asked 5 years ago

I have a small issue where users are unable to quickly copy highlighted record text from the view dialog by using standard Ctrl+C shortcut key on Windows and was hoping there’s an easy fix.

To reproduce:

  1. Select any record
  2. Click the view toolbar icon
  3. Drag and highlight some or all of the record field text
  4. Press Ctrl+C to copy to clipboard.
  5. Nothing get’s copied.

Please note, right clicking the mouse and selecting copy works correctly, just not the Ctrl+C shortcut key method.

Our users are running Google Chrome v77, though the same issue appears with Firefox.


2 Answers
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 5 years ago

I tested this and it was due to modal dialog library. Try following in set_options() function:

$opt[“view_options”][“jqModal”] = false;

To fix it in all grids, you can edit lib/inc/jqgrid_dist.php:

$grid[“view_options”] = array(“jqModal” => false, “modal” => true, “closeOnEscape”=>true, “recreateForm”=>true, “width” => 400,
“rowButton” => true

We’ve updated it in dev line so you don’t need to worry about sync’ing updates.

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
Richard Samson answered 5 years ago

Excellent, that’s worked great thanks.

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