Current jQuery (v1.8.3) doesn't like arrays in column names

QuestionsCurrent jQuery (v1.8.3) doesn't like arrays in column names
Jiri Vidgren asked 11 years ago


I have column names like:

$col["name"] = "server_capacity['cpu']";
$col["name"] = "server_capacity['mem']";
$col["name"] = "server_capacity['disk']";

And those are working quite nicely. I have server_capacity array inside POST -data, which I can use. But the problem arises, when I try to show/hide those columns on add/edit view, via:

$col["show"] = array("add"=>true, "edit"=>false);

This will result as: Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: #tr_server_capacity['cpu']

And no add/edit -form will open.

Any fix for this?

2 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago


I think this is due to usage of [ ], which are used in jquery selector of attributes.
Alternate options is, if you want to hide TR #2, of grid id 'list1', this code should work.

$opt["edit_options"]["afterShowForm"] = "'jQuery("#TblGrid_list1 tr:eq(2).hide();'";

Jiri Vidgren answered 11 years ago

Thanks for your quick answer and valuable tip. Actually, I had to wrap that into function and this is how I hide all rows after 3:

$opt["edit_options"]["afterShowForm"] = "function(formid) { jQuery('#TblGrid_list1 tr:gt(3)').hide(); }"

Beautiful, thanks!

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