custom action – no action on current table but action on another

Questionscustom action – no action on current table but action on another
Wing asked 6 years ago

there are 2 grids: my-positions and all-positions

from all-positions, I can click on a custom column that has a link name ‘select’. It is built like the ‘buy’ column in

$col = array();
$col[“title”] = “Select”;
$col[“name”] = “buy_button”;
$col[“width”] = “30”;
$col[“align”] = “center”;
$col[“search”] = false;
$col[“sortable”] = false;
$col[“default”] = “<a href=’#test’ class=’action-btn’>Select</a>”;
$cols[] = $col;

When the select link is clicked, I want to insert the select row’s position-id column value from the ‘all-positions’ grid, and insert it into the ‘my-positions’ grid. The ‘my-positions’ grid would refresh too.

how can this be done?


1 Answers
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 6 years ago

Step1: Connect a javascript function on click on ‘anchor’ tag. Also pass the column names showing data required for insert. e.g. id with placeholder { }

$col[“default”] = “<a href=’#test’ onclick=’moveItem({id})’ class=’action-btn’>Select</a>”;

Step2: In JS function use this code as in demo custom forms insert function: + 175

Changes required would be list1 to your grid id (177)
Line 181, serialize() is not required. You will pass the function param. e.g. request=”id=”+id;

The function will refresh the grid as well in which new row is inserted.

You can also check demo for more:

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
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