Custom Actions Column

QuestionsCustom Actions Column
avpman asked 8 years ago

I need a quick way to alter the actions column. I need to replace it with one or two buttons which will call other forms and send them a GET value from one of the columns in the row.

For example:
I need two buttons which would call
edit_user.php?id=[column 1 value]
mail_form.php?id=[column 2 value]

Any help would be appreciated

4 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 8 years ago

To insert/replace actions column is not doable right now. You can have another column at end for this purpose.

You can review this demo:

And code:

I am adding this need in todos.

Faisal Ayub answered 3 years ago

I need to know if this is already acheived?

Jim Varrone answered 3 years ago

I need an answer here also. The sample code above returns the row id in an alert box using js. How do we return, for example, the value in the “total” cell in the row? I need something like that passed to another php module.



Abu Ghufran Staff answered 3 years ago

You can use column names instead of ‘id’. Any string that is set inĀ $col[“name”] property.

e.g. {total} will give the column total value of that row.

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
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