custom events

Questionscustom events
META asked 10 years ago

I'm having trouble with custom events. Everything works fine but when I put the line "$grid->set_events($e);" the grid doesn't show, no error message, just a blank screen, I know that line is the problem because when I comment it the grid appears fine (without the custom events).

At first I thought it was an error with my app, but then I copy/pasted the code in this example:

and it has the same problem.

2 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

Make sure $grid = new jqgrid(); — a jqgrid object.
If it is $g in your code, you should use $g->set_events($e);

This is convention issue in code sample which is planned to be fixed.

vinh binh answered 9 years ago

I have a proplem as you. I think this proplem is i and you used a version free phpgrid. Free version phpgrid is not support Custom Events.

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