custom export

Questionscustom export
german asked 8 years ago


how to use the custom sql in custom export with filter range?

i tried using the select command but i get some issue while adding data with dependent dropdowns .

So i have modified the Custom export

$sql = $param["sql"];

with my own sql

it works well but it shows all the records.

It would be very useull if you can help .

thank you

2 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 8 years ago

You can use following as example:

// append WHERE clause if available
$export_where = $_SESSION["jqgrid_list1_filter"];
$sql = "SELECT ".implode(", ",$fields)." FROM ".$grid->table. " WHERE 1=1 ".$export_where;

Here list1 is grid id.

germanmary answered 8 years ago

Thank you so much sir.

It is really an useful help

Thanks a lot

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