custom message on submiting data

Questionscustom message on submiting data
german asked 6 years ago

how to display the custom message if the record is not added.


i am unable to find where the record is added or not.


It shows the record added successfully but it is not actually getting added.

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 6 years ago


If there is an error in SQL query and you have set $g->debug = 0; It will show genereic error_msg which can be changed by:

$g->error_msg = “Some issues occured in this operation, Contact technical support for help”;

Otherwise, it will show the SQL error in error box.

To overcome this, you can refer demos/editing/server-validation.php sample to check if all pre-conditions are met to insert data. Line 46.

And further when running insert query, you can also pass third param “insert_id”. Then it will return newly inserted ID as well.

$new_id = $g->execute_query(“INSERT INTO …….”,false,”insert_id”);

You can check it and send message to client side: phpgrid_error(“Some issue occured”);

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
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