Custom Navigation Buttons not working after upgrade to 2.8

QuestionsCustom Navigation Buttons not working after upgrade to 2.8
Michael Sheppard asked 3 years ago

Good day! I just upgraded to version 2.8

I have many customs I’ve merged over the past few years into each update and everything seems to work okay so-far with the exception of my custom toolbar icons.

Have you made any changes to the way the custom toolbar icons work?

This is the standard code I am using – but no toolbars display;



<script type=”text/javascript”>
jQuery(‘#list1’).jqGrid(‘navButtonAdd’, ‘#list1_pager’,
‘caption’ : ‘Home’,
‘title’ : ‘Return to Report Index Page’,
‘buttonicon’ : ‘ui-icon-home’,
‘onClickButton’: function()
position: ‘first’

2 Answers
Abu answered 3 years ago


Check out this link: and at the end … Upgrading to v2.8 from previous versions.

It addresses exactly this case.

Michael answered 3 years ago

I just found that in the demo and came-here to close the ticket – I found the solution!

Thank you for the prompt response!



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