Custom SQL duplicate column names. WHERE clause not working

QuestionsCustom SQL duplicate column names. WHERE clause not working
Vygandas Pigaga asked 6 years ago


I have to use custom SQL:

$g->select_command = “SELECT as id, gaminiai.code as gaminiai_code, as gaminiai_name, gaminiai.ean as gaminiai_ean, gaminiai.ar_batt_charger as gaminiai_ar_batt_charger, battery.code as battery_code, charger.code as charger_code
FROM gaminiai
LEFT JOIN battery on = gaminiai.battery_id
LEFT JOIN charger on = gaminiai.charger_id”;

Displays fine!
But if I use Search, I get error, because MySQL does not allow to use Alias in Where Clause:

Couldn’t execute query. Unknown column ‘gaminiai_code’ in ‘where clause’ – SELECT count(*) as c FROM (SELECT as id, gaminiai.code as gaminiai_code, as gaminiai_name, gaminiai.ean as gaminiai_ean, gaminiai.ar_batt_charger as gaminiai_ar_batt_charger, battery.code as battery_code, charger.code as charger_code FROM gaminiai LEFT JOIN battery on = gaminiai.battery_id LEFT JOIN charger on = gaminiai.charger_id WHERE 1=1 AND ( `gaminiai_code` LIKE ‘%178%’ )) pg_tmp

2 Answers
Vygandas answered 6 years ago


Solved. SImply change returned id’s to names/varchar with this:

$col[“dbname”] = “gaminiai.battery_id”;
$col[“editoptions”] = array(“table”=>”battery”, “id”=>”id”, “label”=>”code”);

The only thing left unclear – is how to export XLS value, not id….

Abu Ghufran Staff answered 6 years ago

Just to log an update, fix for excel export for dropdown is supported in latest build now.

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
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