Custom toolbar button text gets repeated display on every search

QuestionsCustom toolbar button text gets repeated display on every search
Danish Zafar asked 3 years ago

I am using the following for custom button on toolbar, but whenever any search is performed in the grid (be it text or selector) the button gets duplicated with the text on every search, kindly refer the attached screenshot

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$grid[“loadComplete”] = “function(){ addButton(); }”;

// adds a button on top right of toolbar
function addButton()
setTimeout( ()=> {

jQuery(‘#list1_filtersearch’).before(“<button style=’margin-top:-5px; border-color: transparent;’ id=’list1_circle’ type=’button’>xxx</button>”);
jQuery(“#list1_circle”).uibutton({ icons: { primary: “ui-icon-bars fa fa-circle” },text: false }).click(function ()
return false;

}, 200);



Kindly advise

Thanks !

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