Customizing double click behaviour

QuestionsCustomizing double click behaviour
Juan Antonio Palacios asked 2 years ago

Hello Abu,

I have a question related to this post:

The solution proposed on that post is working well: I applied it to a master-detail grid, and both ways to interacting with a row (click on the pencil button of a row AND double clicking on a row) trigger the edit form for that row.

Now i need to add another detail grid that will be read-only, so for this specific new grid, those actions should trigger the view form instead of the edit form.

How can I customize different actions for the double click in different grids? Thanks in advance

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 2 years ago

With the following code, you can use grid is to have this restricted to a grid. e.g. instead of var opts, use var opts_list1, where list1 is your grid id. e.g.

var opts_list3 = { 'ondblClickRow': function (id) { jQuery(this).jqGrid('viewGridRow', id, <?php echo json_encode_jsfunc($g->options["view_options"])?>); } };


Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
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