Data loading into new window

QuestionsData loading into new window
Andrew Ravilious asked 2 years ago

trying to use this with phpmaker

I get the table loaded showing fine but when i has loaded the data it pops up in raw format in a model window.

like this


i know it is something do with class i think as works ok when try it own it own page.

and ideas



2 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 2 years ago


Most likely there is some white space or newline before you are calling $g->render() function. Reason is JSON is being malformed due to white space character and showing as error.

Abu Ghufran answered 2 years ago


Most likely there is some white space or newline before you are calling $g->render() function. Reason is JSON is being malformed due to white space character and showing as error.

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