data submition, editable

Questionsdata submition, editable
Ivo asked 12 years ago

I'm quite new with PHPGrid so maybe my questions aren't so hard to answer for advanced members, so i don't need to write endless code.

1. Is it possibleHow to submit (editable row) onBlur (.blur .focusout) so i don't need to pres on "Save".

2. Is it possibleHow to enter a row (change it to an editable row), not double-clicking with mouse, but focusing and pressing enter (by focusing i met like single mouse click)

3. Is it possibleHow to focus row with arrow keys Up and Down (same as single mouse click)

4. Is it possibleHow to save row with pressing "Enter" key (except if focus is in textare ).

And have a nice day!

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago

For point 1,3,4 … it handled by excel view.
Please refer and try appearence/excel-view.php for help.

For point 2, there are some changes required in jqgrid_dist.php, which i'll be emailing you.

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