database update

Questionsdatabase update
Paul Kozlenko asked 11 years ago

I would like to update a database (multi-user environment) using PHPGRID, not only by a unique column qualification, but using the original row data in the WHERE clause to confirm data hasn't been changed by another user.

Does phpgrid have a way to enable this feature? Or is there an example solution of how this can be accomplished?

Another reason for asking this, is that some tables don't have a single unique key column. They might make use of several columns to create the uniqe selection.

– Paul

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago


There is no other way except row id based checks in on_update/on_insert event handlers.
Locking will need to be managed manually in operations callback event handlers.

Refer demos/editing/custom-events.php for events help.

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