date picker is missing in multiple tab grid ( non-first grids )

Questionsdate picker is missing in multiple tab grid ( non-first grids )
chengbin zhu asked 1 year ago

when I create multiple tab grid, the date picker will only pop up in the first tab when search for the date column. For the grid in the following tabs, date picker won’t pop up.

( I tried to remove  the function $( “#tabs” ).tabs() and the  class=”hasDatepicker” will be added to second grid for date columns , but with the  $( “#tabs” ).tabs() function call, class=”hasDatepicker”  is missing in the following grid tab)

2 Answers
Abu answered 1 year ago


I’m unable to generate the issue you are discussing. Can you please try this issue in following demo and see if it exists:

If above works, you can compare you code with the demo code:

chengbin zhu answered 1 year ago

Hi Abu:

Thanks for your response.  Yes, there is no issue with version 2.8. But in version 2.2, even the demo code does not work. ( date column is in second tab, and date picker does not pop up. If I put the table with date column in the first tab, the date picker will pop up).

My solution (for version 2.2) is to put following code  in tab creation:

onclick=”$(‘#gview_list9’).find(‘#gs_need_by_dt,#gs_file_date’).each(function() { $(this).datepicker() });


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