Hello Abu,
I am trying to get the daterangepicker working.
This query works in phpmyadmin:
SELECT v.collection as 'collection', SUM(v.Quantity) as 'ordered', SUM(v.Invoiced) as 'shipped',(CAST(SUM(v.Invoiced) AS UNSIGNED)/CAST(SUM(v.Quantity) AS UNSIGNED)) AS 'Fullfilment Rate'
FROM salesorder o
JOIN itemsales v
ON o.txnid = v.idkey
WHERE o.TxnDate BETWEEN '2017-03-01' AND '2017-03-31'
Group BY v.collection
I use this query for the grid: (no date column)
SELECT v.collection as 'collection', SUM(v.Quantity) as 'ordered', SUM(v.Invoiced) as 'shipped',(CAST(SUM(v.Invoiced) AS UNSIGNED)/CAST(SUM(v.Quantity) AS UNSIGNED)) AS 'Fullfilment Rate'
FROM salesorder o
JOIN itemsales v
ON o.txnid = v.idkey
Group BY v.collection
My date column is this:
$col = array();
$col["title"] = "Date";
$col["name"] = "txndate";
$col["width"] = "200";
$col["formatter"] = "date";
$col["editable"] = true;
$col["stype"] = "daterange";
$cols[] = $col;
I see in Inspect that the dates ARE sent through correctly:
BUT the data is never filtered.
I do not use 'txndate, txndate as txndaate2' in the Select stmt because I am summing, and teh dates are not relevent on a row-level.
Any ideas?