Daterangepicker for multi grid

QuestionsDaterangepicker for multi grid
Georg Zangl asked 4 years ago

Hello All,

I am trying to setup a page with two grids. Each of them should has a date column and have a daterange picker.

Unfortunately, the daterange picker (as well as pdf export) are only working for the first grid.

Help is appreciated.

Best regards


5 Answers
Georg Zangl answered 4 years ago

short addendum: the code for the two grids are in two separate files. If I comment the include statement for the first, the date picker on the second grid is working. Hope that helps, best regards Georg

Abu Ghufran Staff answered 4 years ago

Please share your grid code to generate case.

You can use gist OR email me at [email protected]

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
Georg Zangl answered 4 years ago

Hi Abu,

thanks for your reply, I have just sent an email.

Abu answered 4 years ago

I haven’t received yet. Kindly resend.

Email: [email protected]

Georg Zangl answered 4 years ago

Dear Abu,

I have sent the files from a different email account, maybe they have been stuck in the spam folder.

Best regards


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