How does your grid manage entry/edit of mysql Datetime fields, seems popup calendar integrated with grid control only manages dates!
You need set formatter to datetime.
$col["formatter"] = "datetime";
i'll format a unixtimestamp in query like this:
$g->select_command = "SELECT FROM_UNIXTIME(`time`), `string` FROM `logs`";
How i'll get propper datetime-values in column formatted like this:
$col["formatter"] = "datetime";
In my example i'll get the values "undefined" in each row?
i use the free version of your awesome tool 🙂
Like it!
Kind regards
The formatter datetime is in new version.
Free version is little outdated, and need a new version update.
You can remove formatter, and it should show date and text form.
Hey Abu,
I transferred my files to another server and the calendar stopped popping up. Can you think of a reason why this would be the case. Is there something in the php.ini file that I need to enable?
Please check if there is some JS error using firebug error console, also make sure all files are correctly transferred.
calendar is just a JS code, it should not interfere with server side things.
No javascript related errors. It's working correctly on my GoDaddy server but when I transfer to a Windows server for my client it stops working.
Looks to be a file newline char issue. I am unable to reproduce this case here. I use wamp on win7, but all working fine.
In notepad++
open lib/js/themes/jquery-ui-custom.min.js
Try changing EOL
In edit menu -> eol conversion -> windows format
Let me know if not resolved.
I tried making EOL conversion to windows format and am still seeing the same problem =(
It's really difficult to guess the issue when it's not being generated.
I've tested code on unix & windows both, but failed to produce this behavior.
This ticket is of different context. I would recommend to open new ticket OR email me your new server details.
Hello Abu,
I have the same problem. On the same mysql (mariadb) server run your demo and see the date column, when I run my grid date column is empty.
The date edited in the grid to the database stored properly.
When I defined column to datetime in table and in property $col["formatter"] = "datetime";, in grid I see "undefined", but in database is stored properly.
I am still unable to regenerate this issue.
Please email me the code along with sample db dump, i'll try to regenerate this issue and update will possible fix.