Datetime appointment based

QuestionsDatetime appointment based
C3media asked 7 years ago

Hello, will be possible to load datetime based in foreign data table.  As when you use appointment then any datetime would disabled because it is occupied.



Best regards

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 7 years ago


If i understand your question correctly, you can connect onblur event on date field and call a javascript function which can check table via ajax call if that time is occupied or not. If occupied then you an alert a message that selected time is already booked.

$col[“editoptions”][“onblur”] = “function(o) { checkOccupied(o); }”;

function checkOccupied(o)
// perform ajax call to see if o.value time is occupied and alert message

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
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