Default value readonly

QuestionsDefault value readonly
Leonardo Nencioni asked 10 years ago

i call the index.php file passing a variable in url and assign it to a column as default value with $col["editoptions"] = array("defaultValue" => "$pid");
To store this value on new record the cols need editable if possible make it readonly on the add form?

Thank you and good work!


5 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago


Pasting from docs:

$col["editoptions"] = array("defaultValue"=>"Test Value","readonly"=>"readonly", "style"=>"border:0");

Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

I'll regenerate the case and will update you.

Giovanni Luca Bonelli answered 10 years ago

When I set "readonly" like your example, add routine skip defaultValue. If I delete "readonly", defaultValue is stored correctly but I can change value in the add/edit panel.
Why this??

migul answered 10 years ago

guardar _sesión(id) en un campo por defecto ?????

Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

Try following settings, after removing all others.

$col["editrules"]["readonly"] = true;
$col["editoptions"] = array("defaultValue"=>"Test");

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