Demo of URL Link

QuestionsDemo of URL Link
Ty asked 9 years ago

Hello. Everyone loves your product.

Can you please direct me to one of the demos that shows a cell of data that when clicked on goes to a webpage.

I have a column that has dollar amounts, and I want to be able to click on that data and have the browser open to a new webpage of a URL that is in my database associated to that record.

Thank you!

4 Answers
Ty answered 9 years ago


When we add this code:

$col = array(); $col["title"] = "800 Contacts<br>URL"; $col["name"] = "walmart_url"; //$col['link'] = "http://{800contacts_url}"; $col["width"] = "9"; $col["align"] = "right"; $col["editable"] = false; $cols[] = $col;

The page will not load.

We are getting:

Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded

As you know I have the paid Premium version.

Thank you for your help on this.

Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago

Try using following with column option:

// raw link formatter
$col["formatter"] = "function(cellval,options,rowdata){ return '<a target="_blank" href="http://'+cellval+'">'+cellval+'</a>&#039;; }";
$col["unformat"] = "function(cellval,options,cell){ return $('a', cell).attr('href').replace('http://&#039;,''); }";

Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago

Another option is to use:

$col["default"] = "<a href='http://{800contacts_url}'>{800contacts_url}</a>";

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