Demo working, but transition to my own DB and tables not.

QuestionsDemo working, but transition to my own DB and tables not.
Gary asked 7 years ago

Hi. I have everything with the demo working perfectly. I have MySQL installed, the DB and tables created and populated with demo data per the installation instructions, the user credentials are correct, the examples all work perfectly.
When I try to test anything non-demo, I hit a wall, unfortunately. I did the following:

  • Created a new DB / Schema and Table in MySQL
  • Changed config.php to use that DB with an admin account that has access to everything and all rights in all Schemas in MySQL
  • Copied the index.php code into an index1.php file
  • Changed $g->table = “clients”; to $g->table = “coins”; (it’s about coin collecting, and that’s the table name in the new DB / Schema referenced in the config.php file)
  • Saved index1.php in the same directory as index.php
  • Went to a browser, change the URL that just worked for index.php to index1.php
  • The browser comes back with a 500 error:
    • The website cannot display the page
    • HTTP 500
    • Most likely causes:
    • •The website is under maintenance.
    • •The website has a programming error.

If I change the config.php back to the griddemo and then go back to index.php, it works like a charm. I can go back and forth with the two configs and reproduce the same results predictably. Never works for my DB / Table, always works for the demo when I change it back.

Gary replied 7 years ago

I’m wondering if it has something to do with the license? Maybe I need to purchase to get beyond the demo? Also, my table wasn’t populated, so I populated it. After that, the form came up, but it didn’t have the existing entries in it.

Abu Ghufran Staff replied 7 years ago

You can email me code and i’ll review. Free version should work as well.

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 7 years ago


You can email me your code at [email protected]

I’ll review and reply back.


Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
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