Dependant dropdowns

QuestionsDependant dropdowns
Alberto asked 3 years ago



I’m looking to have the following.


In the grid, have a column(1) with a dropdown A,B,C

Next column(2) will have a dropdown A11,A12,B11,B12,C11,C12.

And the next column(3) will have a dropdown A21,A22,B21,B22,C21,C22


When in the the first column 1, you select A

The other columns dropdowns (2,3) will only show options related to the value of the first.

For example:

Cal1 = A

Col 2  = A11,A12

Col3 = A21,A22


Any ideas on how to do this?


Kind regards,


2 Answers
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 3 years ago


This can be done using javascript code.

$opt["add_options"]["afterShowForm"] = "function(){ setup_fields(); }";
$opt["edit_options"]["afterShowForm"] = "function(){ setup_fields(); }";

Now in JS code, you can connect onchange event on column1 and hide/show certain options on col2 using javascript OR jquery code.

function setup_fields()
	if ($('#col1').val() == 'A') {
		// ...
	else {
		// ...

		// ...

If the dependent data is coming from database, you can review our demo of country-city-state dropdown
Demo and Code.

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
Alberto answered 3 years ago

Hi Abu,

Thanks a lot for your help!!

I’ve sent you an email as a reply to this.

Kind regards,


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