Detailview of a single item

QuestionsDetailview of a single item
maarten blokdijk asked 5 years ago

i can now set my grid to show the columns i want, but is there an option to have the detail view show all fields, or a selection i make, different than the one from the grid view?

for instance, a user table shows username and email, the detail of that record also shows the password, and register date.

4 Answers
maarten blokdijk answered 5 years ago

i think i can hide in the grid, with
$col = array();
$col[“title”] = “Gebruiker”;
$col[“name”] = “name”;
$col[“width”] = “100”;
$col[“editable”] = true;
$col[“hidden”] = true;
$cols[] = $col;

but this column still shows up in my grid….

Abu answered 5 years ago

Please share full code and related screenshot.

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Attach screenshot here and paste link in question


Maarten Blokdijk answered 5 years ago
Abu Ghufran Staff replied 5 years ago

Your code seems ok. I’ve sent you an invite on google hangouts.
Please discuss there for quick resolution.

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