Different set of Values in Dropdown in add/edit

QuestionsDifferent set of Values in Dropdown in add/edit
varun asked 12 years ago

Hi Abu,

$mon = $g- get_dropdown_values('select distinct MonthKey as k,Monthly as v from monthly');


$qua = $g-get_dropdown_values('select distinct QKey as k,Quarterly as v from quarterly');

can i use jquery or JS to put this in add/edit mode of a dropdown

2 Answers
varun answered 12 years ago

I need to get both the values based on value selected from another column,my question is,how do i write jquery function where,dropdown value accepts this value or that value,its similar to comparing two array elements based on (total>10) i.e. posted in ur document section.I would be pleased to get help

Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago


Your query is little unclear. Can you send me some screenshot (at [email protected]) of what you are trying to achieve.


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