Dropdown callback – eidting

QuestionsDropdown callback – eidting
Ferenc Keller asked 6 years ago

I have a problem, I don’t know how to solve:
There are two tables in my database. I want to move datas from one table to another.
In to table 1 (called “qsrogzit” and include 42 fields)  I want to move some fields data from another table (called “partners”), just as  the demo “dropdown callback” works.
The fields of table1: adoszam,pnev,irszam,hely,utcahsz,konyvkod,tartozik,kovetel,afaszam
The other board (partners)
There are these fields in it: adoszam, pnev, write, places utcahsz, book publishing, falls, follows, VAT Number, the same
So I want to solve that:  selecting the name from the partners table,  the fields in it will overwrite the same fields in the qsrogzit table (table 1), just as  the demo “dropdown callback” works.
It would be very important for me to solve this, in order for my application to work
Best regards


1 Answers
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 5 years ago

I understand what you need after demo. You need to select a field from table2 and fill the rest data from table1 after lookup of name.

You can refer this demo: https://www.phpgrid.org/demo/demos/appearance/dropdown-callback.phps line 61-67, 122-129

If you can facing implementing this, you can email me code/db-sql for review.

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
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