dropdown dependent multiple fields

Questionsdropdown dependent multiple fields
Wolfgang Ackermann asked 5 years ago

Hi Abu,

I have a wide grid with many dropdown search fields. There are dropdown properties like color1, color2, color3, shape1, shape2, shape3 etc. I’d like to update all search dropdowns depending on each other.

The examples (e.g. dropdown-depenende.php) can only be updated to one specific column value {client_id}. It should be possible, to update all lookup tables with the whole DISTINCT… WHERE cause, to build a sequential search. Do you have a solution for me?

I also found a bug in the demo. If you filter “Maria Anders” and then “empty” again, the filter selection “Invoices” remains empty.


1 Answers
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 5 years ago


Can you share some screenshot OR screen recording showing the current/desired behavior.
It will help in understanding and making a demo for your scenario.

You can use https://www.screencastify.com/

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
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