Dropdown in detail depending on master selection

QuestionsDropdown in detail depending on master selection
SirShadow asked 11 years ago


I'm trying to create a Dropdown in detail grid depending on what you select on master grid.
So, in master I've putted $grid["subgridparams"] so in detail grid I'm able to receive the parameters through $_GET, but when I'm try to execute the $g->get_dropdown_values( a dynamic select ) those parameters are null.
It's weird (for me) because same parameters are working in $g->select_command
How can I make this working?

Thanks in advance!

8 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago

Please share your code for review.
You can use pastebin.com and reply back link here.

Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago

I am emailing you working demo.

Thomas answered 11 years ago


i think the answer could be interesteted, could you please email me the Working demo too ?

Thanks a lot !

Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago

Hi Thomas,
I just emailed!

SirShadow answered 11 years ago

Sorry for the delayed answer but I was out for a week.
Thanks a lot. It's working well.

Lucas answered 11 years ago


i think the answer could be interesteted, i have the same problem too.

could you please email me the Working demo ?

Thanks a lot !

Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago
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