Dropdown list with Bulk edit

QuestionsDropdown list with Bulk edit
biowan asked 11 years ago

It's not a bug, but it's really dangerous.
Sometimes we must force user to select a mandatory value with dropdown list. And sometimes it's optional.

But with the mandatory dropdown list in bulk edit, the first value is selected by default. When you wish apply the same change about one field different of the mandatory one, you will be surprise that other field has changed. For example :


If you want to update John Doe line in Paid, Scarlette and Angelina will became "M".

The best solution is phpgrid add automatictly the first empty item for all dropdown list in bulk edit form. The bad solution is customed your dropdown list with empty item :

"edittype" => "select",
"editoptions" => array("value"=>':;M:Male;F:Female'),

This is a bad solution because the field may be NOT NULL and it will generate error on add/edit mode form.

Hope phpgrid can add automaticly the empty item in a dropdown list in the bulk edit mode.


3 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago


I've resolved this case in latest build.
You can email me ([email protected]) from payment email address for update.

This email address is not associated in our system.


biowan answered 11 years ago

Ok, thanks for your reply.
I will test the last release.

The current message email address is use for the registration form from your website (not the payment). Hope this one is the good one for you and not the payment one. Because the email address used for the paiment is the finance assistant one. And we were surprise that she get the download link confirmation.


Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago


Please email me payment details at [email protected].
I'm closing this ticket as it seems to be resolved.


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